Postseason Participation Undeclare Form

Postseason Participation Undeclare Form

Please complete all required fields. You will be emailed a copy of your answers as verification of your submission. The National Office will then email your institution a copy of your updated Declaration of Intent form as confirmation.

Un-declared forms must be submitted four weeks prior to the start of postseason qualifying competitions.

Invitational sports in year two must un-declare by September 1st of the current academic year. Institutions who un-declare after the September 1st deadline will be fined $2,500. The institution will also be placed on suspension the following academic year and may not compete in NAIA postseason qualifying competitions in the sport for which they are undeclaring.

If an institution un-declares from a particular sport for three consecutive years, they will be placed on postseason suspension in that sport for the following academic year.

For more information or questions, please contact Marc Burchard, [email protected].

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